2024 ByronFest Quilt Show
QS 2024 Registration form

The Byron Museum’s 37th Annual Quilt Show will be held during ByronFest July 12, 13, and 14, 2024. The museum is seeking area quilters and collectors to display their fabric works of art. Quilt Show hours: Friday, July 12 5-8pm, Saturday, July 13 10am-7pm, Sunday, July 14 11am-2pm.
First place winners in ten categories will win cash prizes. Quilt registration opens June 26 and ends on July 10 at 3:00 PM. Entries will be accepted at the museum during normal museum hours Wednesday – Saturday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost to enter the Quilt Show is $5.00 for each item to be judged, there is no fee to enter Just For Show items that will not compete for awards.
Items will be selected for awards by a judge and viewers will also have an opportunity to vote on their favorite quilt or wall hanging to win a “People’s Choice” award at the end of ByronFest. The main categories include; Antique Quilts, Wearable Art, Wall Hangings, Just For Show, and quilts identified by technique, such as Hand, Machine, and Commercially Quilted. Cash Prizes and Blue Ribbons will be awarded for first place in each of categories and ribbons awarded to second and third place winners.
Volunteers are needed to help over that weekend by greeting visitors. If you are able to volunteer or have any questions, call the museum from 10am to 3pm Wednesday through Saturday 815-234-5031 or send an e-mail to director@byronmuseum.org. The Byron Museum of History is located at 110 N. Union Street in Byron, Illinois, 61010. Our website address is www.byronmuseum.org.
The mission of the Byron Museum District is to create an awareness of and appreciation for the
historical development of the Byron area through a commitment to preservation of our past for the education of our future. “Preserving Our Past for Our Future!”